Spring at Marist: the Most Stressful Time of the Year

As the weather is getting warmer and the grass is getting greener, the students of Marist College are starting the slow descent into the madness that is the end of the spring semester.  With housing selection day and the class registration period rapidly approaching, and professors starting to assign final projects, the students on campus (myself included) are starting to get that panicked look in their eyes that says “how am I going to get everything done?”  Personally, I know I am already ridiculously stressed out and we’ve only just passed the halfway point.

In addition to final projects, housing and class selection, most people on campus are also starting to get pretty tired of the people they’ve been living in close quarters with for the better part of a year.  After being cooped up together through the long winter months, this the time of year when people start getting tired of writing passive aggressive notes about washing the dishes and start smashing the dishes instead (okay, maybe dishes aren’t getting broken just yet, but there were some heated words being exchanged in my kitchen this morning over the state of the dish-filled sink).

However, though spring is definitely the most stressful time at Marist, it is also one of the most beautiful times.  Our campus is absolutely gorgeous, and even though it may be difficult to remember that when we’re nearly being blown away by the freezing wind off the river in the winter, spring definitely is a reminder.  When all the flowers and leaves return, the groundhogs emerge from hibernation and the grass on Marist Beach is back to its beautiful green self, then we can see just how lucky we are to live at Marist, even if we are too stressed to enjoy it until after all our work is done.

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